Best Weekend EVER!

Best Weekend EVER!

Hey y’all! Hope you had a fantastic 3 day weekend and a lovely Valentine’s Day! I sure did. This was one of the best and busiest weekends I’ve had all term! YAY! :D Friday night, I attended my good friend’s going away party at the Tolman House (gorgeous venue on campus that visiting professors, etc stay in). It was a costume “Geek or Chic” party—Andrew and I showed up as “chic” (but we’re still big geeks lol). The party involved a lot of food–yay for Filipino food, how I’ve missed you!, mingling with grad students/post-docs and a fun karaoke party towards the end. Couldn’t help but to get up and sing some tunes….

It was an unforgettable night and the best way to send off Christie, one of my dearest friends I’ve had since coming as a freshman to Caltech. She and I are from the same part of San Diego, both dancers, and both Filipino! Christie just finished her post-doc and is moving to Berkeley for a fabulous new job…she has been my older sister here, and has taught me so much. <3 Saturday was a TON of fun too! A sophomore in my house, Aarathi and I attended Fleming House’s Formal Valentine’s dinner together, Wine and Candlelight. We spent the afternoon getting ready together at my room in Braun. So much girly fun!

Right after—was Rickett’s Interhouse, Apache. After a quick wardrobe change….we headed over to the party..and danced the night away :D Sunday, I had ballet and Valentine’s Day FUN and adventures in LA. And Monday was a day of rest for me from the weekend…thank goodness we didn’t have any class :)