Minipreps, Mishaps, and Matt and Kim

Minipreps, Mishaps, and Matt and Kim

Yo, So it turns out that this summer’s going to be pretty cool! I have a great mentor who’s nice and doesn’t kill me when I mess up in lab! Haha..and errr, I’ve made my fair share of screw-ups this first week. However, by far, the worst thing had to be during lab meeting on Wednesday. Basically, all labs have a lab meeting each week where someone gives a presentation and then everyone goes around and talks about their progress.

Well, this would have been interesting (ish?) if I had gotten enough sleep. But, since the meeting was during/after lunch(fooood coma) and was THREE hours long, I couldn’t help it. I tried and I tried, but failed. I failed and I dozed off! It might have not been too bad, except according to my mentor, I was the only one who fell asleep! Also, please note that there were 16 of us around a table. And it must have been pretty obvious that I was sleeping! But, my mentor was really chill about it and gave me some pointers on how to stay awake for next week! Oh! AndI finally got to taking some pictures! On my way to lab, I walked down the Olive Walk and was like wow, this school is amazing. Here is a picture why.

And now that my first week of SURFing is done, time to have fun! Pasadena’s a pretty cool place. Yesterday was Make Music Pasadena. Basically, there were stages set up all over Old Pasadena and every hour, each stage had a different band. And it was free! Last night I went to see Matt and Kim. It was a pretty good concert.A crowd surfer. There were several of them. Personally, I think they’re crazy! Haha.

Later, Mario