Here we go again... (And Taylor Swift)

Here we go again... (And Taylor Swift)

Hey Kiddies, me again, writing to tell you about some life experience or other of mine. On today’s agenda: Preseason, Moving back to tech, and why I care about Taylor Swift.

At this time of year Caltech starts welcoming back many of its students for preseason athletics… and this year I’m one of them. I’m looking forward to Cross Country preseason. I wasn’t at Tech this summer with the other SURF students so I haven’t been able to experience living there without the pressures of classes, which I’ve been told is great. Preseason for me therefore is a good time to see for myself what it’s like. I’ll post about how it goes… if I can survive all that running.

As one of my friends put it, “How many times will we pack our lives up in a couple suitcases and move away?” I have to say that that describes how I feel a bit. I was only at home for two weeks before coming here and to be completely honest… I wasn’t entirely ready to leave. To put things in perspective, I left Trinidad on Jan 1st 2012 to return for Caltech’s 2nd term and I hadn’t returned until the two weeks prior. Now that I’ve left I won’t be back until December for around three weeks. So if you’ve been keeping track, I will have lived at my permanent residence for five weeks at the end of 2012, and will probably do so again in 2013…and 2014. I think that this is true for a lot of us here at Caltech to varying degrees.

The thing is, I wouldn’t have it any other way. All those months that I don’t see home, or at least what I used to call home, I’m not just sitting around doing nothing. I’m learning new ideas and concepts, exploring my interests and passions, seeing the world, meeting new and interesting people from all over the world, having novel once in a lifetime experiences… and the list goes on. In particular, every day at Caltech is new challenge, a new opportunity to do something unique, and more time to grow friendships especially as we grind over sets. Caltech is my new home for the next three years and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And in the spirit of going back to school, to all the kids that are just going off to start their first terms at college or to you highschool kids that will be doing it very soon, don’t fear. Embrace the future and take every chance that you get to try something new. Take a class just for the hell of it, go talk to that girl you saw at freshman orientation, get involved in the community and start building your legacy. The future doesn’t start tomorrow, it starts today.

End of pseudo-motivational rant

On to Taylor Swift!

So Chegg + Taylor Swift are having a competition for the College that wants a Taylor Swift competition the most. The voting process is normalized so that colleges of all sizes stand an equal chance at getting the concert and the voting is open to everyone. The college with the most votes gets a Taylor Swift concert and the top 5 colleges get $10000 for their music department. We here at Caltech having been trying our hardest to win the concert and we’ve been doing fairly well. We were told a few days ago that we are in the top 15 schools by votes. I would personally like to request you help with this endeavor by asking that you vote for caltech. The link is below!

Remember that you can vote daily!

Talk to you soon,
