Here Comes the Rain

Here Comes the Rain

For some reason, SoCal will be experiencing rainstorms all this week. O_O Sure enough, as soon as Monday of our 3-day weekend came along–the heavy rain hit! Rain or shine, I enjoyed my weekend nonetheless. I caught up with some good friends, hit up hip lounges in Downtown, watched some football (NOOOO CHARGERS!!!) and had ballet rehearsal.

Thankfully, the rain on Monday forced me to stay in and be productive. I got all cozy with some coffee and my snuggie to read applications for the admissions committee (time to conquer the regular applicant pool!).

Tuesday came along—and of course, it was still raining. I gave the campus tour to a group of 10 people—and man, was that difficult. In my 4 years of tour guiding, I think I have only experienced rain on my tour only one other time…it barely rains here in Pasadena, so I don’t think many tour guides are familiar with the protocol when we’re faced with bad weather. But, I was able to improvise and kept my tour dry with umbrellas from the admissions office. The show must go on, right? I really appreciated my tour being such good sports in continuing on with the tour and braving the pouring rain with me…you guys are AWESOME!! After my tour, I rushed back into shop to finish machining my parts for my thesis. I finished!! (and just in time to catch my afternoon class) When I’m machining–I definitely get into a zone and it feels almost therapeutic to work on the machines (I worked solely on the end-mill this time) with my iPod of course…It’s weird that regardless how chaotic the environment seems in the shop…I feel RELAXED.

All right, I’m headed back out into the rain to catch my yoga class…stay dry guys!