SURF! Eternal Summer

SURF! Eternal Summer

Hello everyone! It’s summer again, which means I have time to blog once more, oh boy.

Some life updates:

1. Thanks to roommate S’s awesome picks, we got a huge room! With a loft build by previous inhabitants! Thanks, roommate S!

2. Living off campus caused our food stockpile to reach unmanageably large proportions. Please send help. It took 3+ hours to organize that cabinet…

3. Yup, we’re still getting our food box delivery.

4. Green onions have the surprising ability to stay alive even when their owner forgot to water them for 2+ weeks. They’ve been sitting in the SoCal summer sun, too…

5. ???? With that said, welcome (back?) to Unlimited Food Works. The anime content will probably rise by 150% from before, so please consider yourself warned. (Don’t worry though, there’ll still be food posts!)