Harvard International Consulting Competition

Harvard International Consulting Competition

Last weekend, I flew to Boston with my teammate Phillip for the Harvard International Consulting Competition. Phillip and I are members of the Caltech Consulting Group. The competition consisted of presenting a case study presentation (the topic was Airbnb entering the business travel market) to a panel of judges, and there were also a number of workshops and networking events.

Although we didn’t win, we learned a lot about consultants’ jobs and how toprepare slide decks, networked with representatives from BCG, Oliver Wyman, McKinsey & Company, and other major consulting firms, and met a lot of talented and amazing students from Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and other top schools.The Harvard Consulting Club members were kind enough to allow participants to stay in their dorms, so I met a lot of people outside of the competition as well.

After the competition, I visited one of my close friends at MIT and went to a party hosted by the Harvard Financial Analyst Club. All in all, I learned a lot, made new friends, and had a great weekend in Boston! Now I have to catch up on all the work I missed… but it was definitely worth it.