Snipping away...

Snipping away...

Happy Friday everyone! I had a fairly hectic first week of term…I prepared all week for an all day off campus interview I had on Thursday. I met with about 6 different managers of a department and gave a 45 minute technical presentation to the group on some work I had done during one of my internships. The day started at 8am and ended around 5pm….I definitely crashed as soon as I got back to Tech! Earlier this week, I also went up to JPL to work on my thesis (which I will be doing for two mornings of the week). I worked in the balloon lab since it had a huge table where I could lay out all my materials for some pattern cutting. I spent about 2 hours cutting up stainless steel sheets and high temperature fabric to wrap the insulation for more testing in the oven. It wasn’t too hard, though I got a few nicks on my hands from the steel, and was feeling a bit sore in my hands after all that cutting. But all of us Techers know that that’s the price we all pay for getting our research :)

I also did some work with the drill press…

The morning flew by–and before I knew it, I left JPL and headed back to Tech in time to catch my one afternoon class.

So, that’s all for now….I gotta get working on sending my thank you emails to all of my interviewers from yesterday…hope you guys have a great weekend!