Happy Feet = Happy Brain!

Happy Feet = Happy Brain!

Hello again wonderful prospective students, prefrosh, and fellow Techers! As it’s Spring Break, I’ve been making a lot of new goals and getting excited for this upcoming third term. One thing I really want to focus on–outside of schoolwork–is dance! Caltech has a “dance troupe” which offers classes (some are free, some are around $5) which range from ballet to hip hop to bellydance. The ones I want to work on most are ballet and contemporary. The creativity in movement really helps when the creativity in my brain is at a standstill on some physics problem. Another awesome thing besides dance that Caltech offers is YOGA!! <3You can take it for PE credit, or just for fun. There’s a just-for-fun class at 7:30AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love it because it’s refreshing and energizes me to start my day… but the hate part comes with waking up so early!! But it’s worth it in the end. :) Caltech offers a wide range of really fun physical activities, which are a great break from all that mind-exercising we do 24/7. There’s aerobics and dance classes that you can take whenever you want (meaning they’re not like, graded classes on your transcript), or you can join a sport. If you have no prior experience with it, that’s fine! Most Caltech sports are very welcoming of everybody. During first quarter, I took track and field as my PE class, which was really chill but also a good way to get out in the sunshine. And on that note, I think it’s cool that we’re required to take three terms of PE for core. Without something sort of forcing me to get outside and be active, I’d probably just sit at my laptop all day and work.

Avoid the freshman 15 and exercise creatively! Feel free to post all your comments and questions :) Love, Lori