Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Unlike myself, most Techers cannot invite all of their friends to their parent’s house for their birthday. So how do we celebrate? Usually, some sort of scheming is involved, whether it’s securing a car so we can kidnap a friend and go out to dinner, or working with their parents to get a cake from Caltech Dining Services. At the very least, during the busiest times of year and when we’re all broke, we’ll pool together ingredients, secretly bake a cake, and then gather as many people from the house as we can find to sing happy birthday.

This last week, a group of us went to dinner atSakurain La Canada for our friend’s birthday. The chefs make a performance out of cooking your food, starting with some very impressive fire.

If you weren’t paying attention when your chef walked out, you are certainly paying attention after feeling the heat wave from that! The chefs perform all sorts of tricks with your food while they’re cooking it, most of which I was unfortunatelyunable to capture in pictures, although I did capture more fire in the form of this onion volcano.

If you’re at Sakura for your birthday, they also bring out a free slice of cake for you before you leave and let you ring the gong.

When we got back to campus, we had cake provided by Caltech Dining Services. Parents can contact Caltech Dining Services at any time of the year and have them make a cake for their student’s birthday or for other special occaisions.

And this cake is not a lie.

Happy Birthday Brent! Pixie