Graduation is done!!

Graduation is done!!

That was at the senior banquet the night before graduation. Then came the big morning! Steven Chu’s speech was great, he made it really funny while still talking about some agricultural and scientific approaches to renewable energy. He said the word “nerd” a lot, but it was funny. I got to sit between two of my very good friends, purely by chance, because we sat alphabetically and their last names are Kunesh and Kramer. So it was really fun! And the weather was great, it sprinkled a little bit but it was cloudy and cool. I was SO scared it would be hot, like it has been the last few years, but it was perfect.

Graduation…sigh. All done! Now I can update you on all the fun activities I do after Caltech is all over. More to come! But never again any reports, theses, essays, problem sets, or Caltech work…YAYYYYY!!