Grading Woes

Grading Woes

Midterms are over! For me, at least. I just turned in my math midterm, which brought back memories of Math 1a and that midterm. Math 1b was a lot more chewable than Math 1a, as evidenced by this comment on my midterm last term, from the professor himself:

This term in Chem 1b, I tried to leave enough space for a printed graph in the middle of my problem set, but ended up printing a too-large graph, and was too lazy/environmentally-conscious to reprint. I think my haphazard attempt to accommodate the graph gave my TA some holiday nostalgia, though, which is nice:

I also learned there are some surprises that TAs don’t appreciate as much, like pokey staples:

All this goes to show that graders are human, too – pokeable, excitable, and…confusable: