Gotta catch them all

Gotta catch them all

One skill I wish I had held onto was being able to memorize things quickly. Name, being able to memorize all 200-something pokemon when I was in middle school. But I’m getting distracted again, as usual. Yesterday was a campus wide fake ditch day. My alley and I were busy making oreo truffles and white chocolate rose truffles when some seniors came by to remind us to “GO TO SLEEP, FROSH!” If you do attend Caltech, that’s something you’ll hear quite often, even when you’re long since past frosh year! :P Friday turned out to be a fake, but it was fun nonetheless. We were divided into teams by house/gender, and were supposed to chase down the seniors. Each team was armed with their own color of duct tape, so in the end, we got to tally up our “kills”. On the actual day of ditch day, if we spot a senior on campus, we’re similarly allowed to duct tape them. Usually this means to a tree, but last year, my friend was taped down to the passenger seat! It was a pretty short fake, but I think the real ditch day is coming up soon! I can’t wait, it’s always a lot of fun. As juniors, we are supposed to start stacking soon too. After ditch day, a “Day after Tomorrow” fake is held. My favorite one was a pacman stack, during which we chased after giant fruit and had to avoid the ghosts (Seniors are called ghosts after ditch day).

Alley truffle making event!

Tara caught red, err pink handed! (Making white chocolate rose truffles–fancy!) I wish I took pictures during the fake, but running around with a camera is pretty chaotic :P Thanks for reading! Caroline