My Ballet Class

My Ballet Class

Good news everybody: It stopped raining! Phew..I was starting to think I wasn’t in California anymore :P The week went pretty well for me…I was pretty productive and was able to start my weekend on Wednesday afternoon since all my work wrapped up in the beginning of the week. In the past week, I’ve been running experiments with my aluminum blocks at JPL, invited to the Athenaeum for lunch, gave another tour in the rain and read more freshman admission applications. As always, I had my ballet class on Sunday morning. We have just started learning choreography for the piece we are doing for the show in April—a piece taken from the ballet, Carmen. So FUN! We are using fans as props since the story of the ballet is set in Spain. I will say, it is pretty darn difficult to be aware of a prop in your hand while dancing…I’m not too experienced with handling a fan either. But it is exactly why we’re learning now….