Golfing at Alhambra Golf Course

Golfing at Alhambra Golf Course

As you might remember, I took golf at Caltech this past term. It was super fun and I would highly recommend it. As a culmination of all that we had done and learned, we took a field trip to the Alhambra Golf course to play a few holes. I brought my own clubs, but Caltech has several school clubs, bags, balls, and other supplies for students to use.

We left at noon from the Caltech gym and all piled in a van. After we got there, we spent an hour at the driving range and at the practice putting green to warm up. We then rented some golf carts and split up into two teams. There is usually a soft rule of 4 people per round so that it doesn’t take too long for one team to finish a hole. We played “best ball” so we hit from whichever ball was closest to the hole each time. This also significantly sped things up and took some of the pressure off.

We only played 4 holes due to time constraints, but people usually play either 9 or 18 holes. It was still super fun (and super hot)! It was my first time playing golf since maybe elementary school. My whole family plays, so I’m glad I took the course this term so I can start playing with them again.

Some geese chilling on the golf course.
Sitting in the golf cart!