Traveling North

Traveling North


It’s the start of reading week, where UCL students get a week to catch up on reading, work, and revise (review notes). A lot of students go home or travel if they are caught up on their work.

I decided to visit Edinburgh this past weekend and got to meet up with Henry, Jody, Ketaki, Josie, Gustaf, and Fil :) Gustaf and Fil are past exchange students that studied at Caltech for a year. Edinburgh is so beautiful-the four hour train ride went by some lovely sights. My favorite part of Edinburgh was being able to catch up with old friends again and hike up to Arthur’s Seat. Conway,Carrie, and our other UCL friends also came up as well. The view was stunning and Edinburgh Castle is so majestic. Although it was about 10 degrees Fahrenheit colder than London, it was really nice seeing the sun again.

Here are some photos:

If you are at tech, Good luck with all your midterms!

Jessica :)