Go Fast-er and Furious-er on Ditch Day

Go Fast-er and Furious-er on Ditch Day

Seniors plan elaborate Ditch Day activities for the underclassmen each year, often sleeping very little the night before. There is a midnight curfew till 8 am, the only time seniors have free reign over the campus without the chance of underclassmen might walk by and ruin the surprise.

At the 8 am wake up call, all the underclassmen flood to the sign up sheets for the stacks in their house and are given a puzzle with their breakfast. The solution to this puzzle leads to their next destination. Our four teams each got a “car” that they had to drive to all their activities.

For our stack, the destinations could be “Miami beach party” aka the Gene Pool or a good ol’ LA traffic jam in the an actual parking garage.

The four teams are then gathered for one last “larger than life” tournament, with giant Jenga and giant bucket ball toss.

We get free lunch at Tom Mannion’s house…

…and then are off to our last destination (using real cars), where there are even more races to be driven: Speedzone.

Ditch Day activities are outrageous, and consume the whole campus, so it’s no wonder that they are all very well-documented. Last year, we had a film crew come by to take videos of all the shenanigans, and our stack had one of the seniors be the designatedhistorian tofollow the teams around to take photos. The Caltech Parents group also has photographers running around and posting to theCaltech Parents Facebook page:

So go to bed frosh, it’s Ditch Day!