Ghiradelli Chocolate in Ghiradelli Square

Ghiradelli Chocolate in Ghiradelli Square

If you read my last post, you know I came to Ghiradelli Square for the Etsy Pop-Up Shop. Afterwards, we went into the square itself and to the Ghiradelli chocolate shop. The Square is a lively place, with live music, lots of shops, and lots of people. Ghiradelli chocolate is so famous that there’s even a long line to get into the Ghiradelli store!

When you go into the store, they give out a piece of free chocolate. This time, it was caramel flavored (yum!). Inside, in addition to selling bags of various flavors of chocolate, they also sell ice cream and sundaes. I ordered vanilla and espresso chip ice cream in a chocolate drizzled waffle cone.

I tried to take a picture of the menu for you guys, but it was really windy! What's also really interesting is that you can see vats of chocolate being made right inside the store, as well as waffle cones being dipped into freshly made chocolate.
I liked the ice cream (I'd give it 3.5 stars), but I will definitely come back for their sundaes at some point. That's what they're famous for!