Gay Board Gaming

Gay Board Gaming

Hey everyone!

One of the nice things about living in SoCal is that basically everything you’d want to do is going on somewhere in LA.

As you might be able to guess, board games are quite popular at Caltech. The South Hovse Basement has a board game library, and many of the houses have their own copies of some games. For instance, my hovse, Dabney, has full copies of Dominion, Race for the Galaxy, Game of Throne, and Waterdeep among others. In general, many Techers tend to enjoy games with lots of strategy and economic games with quirky themes so we have a wide collection of those.

But sometimes my boyfriend and I want to challenge non-Caltech students to various games, and one of the nice things about living in this area is that basically everything you’d want to do is going on somewhere in Los Angeles. We go to a MeetUp for gay board gamers that meets once a month at various places around LA ( I’ve been to around seven events so far, and he tries to make it to every event. Occasionally we will run into other techers or JPLers (NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab that has close ties with Caltech) and a couple of times we’ve ended up playing Dixit against a Caltech professor.

This meetup has become popular enough to spawn a spinoff board games coffee shop with a general LGBT bent, Game Haus Café:

Yes, those are multiple bookshelves just filled with board games.

Generally, it serves as a great way to meet interesting like-minded gaymers and have fun for an afternoon.