Frosh Prank

Frosh Prank

In Blacker, it is a tradition for the frosh to lead a prank on Lloyd’s former Christmas tree (now it’s just the Ls). It gives them an opportunity to work together to do a large project while being creative and fun. They are in charge of organizing themselves, asking for permission (as the administration wants to know about any such large-scale and visible pranks) and procuring their supplies and manpower.

This year, their idea was to do a snow globe with a miniature Millikan inside of it. In addition, they added a bow to the top of Millikan to make it into a gift as well. As always, there was a large scramble to get things done the night of the prank. They were still sewing the bow and painting the miniature Millikan a few hours before everything had to be put up. But a lot of people came to help - not only the frosh, but upperclassmen as well.

Upperclassmen always help a lot with the execution of the prank on the night it goes up. They are important to help coordinate and keep frosh safe as they have previous experience about 1: how to actually put things on Millikan roof and 2: how to be safe while doing it. I helped earlier in the night, as they were lacking manpower at first. However, people finished their other work and commitments quickly, so I was able to go back and sleep at a regular time. There were however people working on it until past dawn on the next day. The prank was very well done; when they finished the morning after, it looked really good.