Frosh Migration

Frosh Migration

In the first year at Caltech, all of the frosh take Core, which is the same 3 classes for all the frosh: Math, Physics, and Chemistry. As such, they all go to their lectures in a clump. This is what my friends and I like to call the frosh migration. It is most pronounced when they move between Math 1a at 10:00 and Physics 1a at 11:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays. There is a whole parade of frosh walking across Millikan from the Baxter lecture hall to the Bridge lecture hall – two of the only lecture halls that have enough capacity for all the students who take the classes.

It is always amusing simply because we are also coming out of math – not to go to physics but to go to Chandler, the cafeteria, to beat the rush as the frosh come out of their class and swarm the stations at lunch time. I also remember doing the same things last year; at which point I thank my lucky stars that I get to take major classes now!