From Tech, to JPL, Venus...and back

From Tech, to JPL, Venus...and back

Hey Everyone! It’s Tuesday—and I am currently still recovering from the weekend and Monday.I had a wonderful weekend that included shopping in Glendale, watching a theater production and girl’s night in Hollywood, ballet class and Superbowl Sunday.

With my weekends being so jam-packed it makes Monday morning even more difficult–Every Monday and Wednesday mornings I spend at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) working on my senior thesis (working on the thermal design and insulation testing of the Venus Lander!!). I have to wake up pretty early to commute, and then spend about 4-5 hours there before coming back to Tech to catch my afternoon energy class….phew. It’s rough having to lug myself back and forth between the lab and Tech, but I’ve been handling it ok these past several weeks. The change of scenery make Mondays and Wednesdays pretty exciting….and if anything it’s a good addition to my exercise schedule!

When I get back to Tech..I sometimes may have an hour, or just 20 minutes between lecture!But yesterday, I had time to eat a quick snack and relax a bit in my room beforehand.