Fourth of July in Seattle

Fourth of July in Seattle

For this Fourth of July, I met up with another Caltech senior in Bellevue, which is located on the opposite side of Lake Washington from Seattle. Thankfully, there’s a bus running from U-District, where I live, to Bellevue, so it only took about 30-40 minutes to get there.

The fireworks were scheduled to go off in Downtown Park at 10pm, and beforehand, there were musicians performing old rock songs on the stage. Closer to 9pm, there was a ceremony to honor the veterans and award them ribbons. Afterwards, everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the the Star Spangled Banner, and a high school orchestra came up on stage to perform various pieces including Jurassic Park and Hamilton! The fireworks display itself was pretty nice :) The orchestra continued to play music to the fireworks, and the show was pretty long.