Food in LA

Food in LA

Before finals last term, I was able to squeeze in a few more off-campus adventures. My boyfriend came to visit (he attends another University), so we rented a Zipcar for two days and drove all over Los Angeles, eating as much food as we could, basically.

We started at True Food Kitchen in Old Pas. It’s a chain that’s fairly new, and we’d never been before (although we ended up going there twice in one weekend this time). They’re pretty veggie-based, although their meat dishes were excellent as well. We had an amazing beet and vegan ricotta bruschetta, followed by a huge bowl of grains, veggies, and chicken.

The next night we went to Bar Ama in DTLA for incredible Mexican food. I had enchiladas with a cashew-based queso (I’m lactose intolerant, hence the various fake “cheeses” in this weekend’s food roundup). The cashew queso was actually not half bad, and the rest of the food was amazing.

The morning after, we drove out to République for brunch. we both ordered the same thing: super fluffy and eggy french toast with fruit and fresh orange juice. I would go back just for the juice, the the french toast would also be worth the drive.

Back in DTLA, we finally visited The Last Book Store, which I’ve been meaning to see since I arrived in LA. It’s on every list of “best bookstores in the United States” so of course I had to visit. It’s decorated like it’s made of books! They had a very well-curated selection, and I found a bunch of titles I’ve been meaning to read.

I’m finally taking advantage of my last few weeks in Los Angeles and hitting up every sight I haven’t seen. Is there anything on your LA bucket list? Maybe something you’re going to visit while you’re out here for Prefrosh Weekend? Let me know in the comments!