Food, glorious food!

Food, glorious food!

The Tango. I took a few tango classes from this lady earlier in the year. By the way, Caltech offers great ballroom classes on campus every week!

Gorgonzola crusted rib eye steak with balsamic demi.glace, rosemary scented mashed potatoes, and asparagus


Seared salmon roulade with gremolata accompanied by caramelized sweet potatoes and asparagus (or Butternut squash risotto cake with pea tendrils, asparagus and basil oil) There was also a vegan option as usual. We also had an appetizer and a dessert. Here are some photos of the dinner:

These are all (or almost all) of the current Pageboy girls. I can't believe that this is already my last Formal Dinner as a Frosh! I wonder how the Seniors must feel right now.
Ever since the weather got substantially warmer we've been eating dinner outside in our courtyard. On Thursday Caltech treated its population to another In-N-Out trailer! Just like during Prefrosh Weekend we had a big trailer come to campus bringing with it delicious In-N-Out burgers. The serving was supposed to start at 5pm so I came out at 4:59 and already there was a long line waiting for those burgers.
On Saturday the Alumni Association is having a "lunch" (from 3 to 5pm) for all Frosh at the Alumni House to celebrate the fact that we are almost done with our first year at Caltech! I've been reflecting a lot lately and I can't believe that time has flown by so fast! I'll admit that each Term has been getting more academically involving but what else would you expect? However, I would not say this is a reason to complain: things are only getting more interesting and Frosh are beginning to divide among themselves by Option. This means that a larger percentage of the classes one is taking resonates more with one's interests. I'm excited for another reason as well because tomorrow I'm starting to work in my summer's SURF lab! I'm getting an early start in the lab but that only means that by the time SURF officially starts I'll already be humming away (hopefully). I'm also happy because I know what room Hanna and I will be in next year so I'm already planning how I'll set it up. Well, I'm running off to a Biology recitation now but I'll be back with more updates on food and other great things coming up! Cheers, Nina.