Follow the Leader (or Tour Guide!)

Follow the Leader (or Tour Guide!)

Happy Friday everyone! I’ve got an exciting 3-day weekend ahead of me, which includes Valentine’s Day (one of my fave holidays!) Nowadays, I give about a normal campus tour once a week (at 11:15 if you’re interested in taking a tour here!) and one special tour a week in which I give a tour to a group of students from a high school.

I have been giving tours since my freshman year and pretty much have my route and dialogue down pat. It is so much second nature to me…that I can walk the entire campus backwards, and talk for a full hour and fifteen minutes about Caltech. I love my tour-guiding job so much…I really really enjoy it, and have found great satisfaction in helping high school students learn all of the wonderful and unique things about Caltech. And everytime I give a tour, it always lets me reflect on how lucky I am to be at Caltech and all of the opportunities I have been given.