Flying to Minnesota

Flying to Minnesota

Hi there, everyone!

I’m starting to write this post from the Phoenix airport. I have an internet connection here - unlike on my flights - so I’m trying to capitalize. I’m on my way to my cousin’s wedding. We’re really excited for him. He and his fiancee have been dating for a while and the whole family really likes her. Plus I hear there’s going to be a pinball machine at the wedding.

Anyway, I’m just chilling with my laptop and coffee. One thing they do not tell you about Arizona - great food. I have so far been in Phoenix for an hour and already I’ve had an above-average burrito and a stellar cup of coffee.

We finished shopping for the house this week. The bathroom has a bath mat, the kitchen has a trash can, and the living room has a cutesy scrapbook that Kalyn made. I’m really enjoying having a real house with laundry machines and a nice big kitchen. Also my bed is more than two feet from the ceiling, which is a big plus. (Don’t worry, potential freshmen: if you’re claustrophobic, you can always seek a roommate who wants bunk beds instead of a loft. I just found the loft a little inconvenient, but overall preferable to bunk beds.)

My next post will feature delightful content about my trip to Minnesota.

Until next time,
