First Term Updates

First Term Updates

Dear Readers, Apologies for the extended break - I’m back and ready to share all the exciting aspects of senior year at Caltech. :) But first, I want to take a step back and give you a quick overview offirst term (September - December).

Some of the highlights of my past term were dressing up as a unicorn with my friends on Halloween, going with Tom (Caltech’s Director of Student Affairs) to see Moana at the famous El Capitan Theater in Hollywood (he took a huge group of students), and going to Perch for the first time! For those who don’t know, Perch is one of the many rooftop dining establishments in Los Angeles. The view was phenomenal.

Overall, it was a pretty solid term. It’s too soon to tell whether or not this current Winter term (January - March) will be even better. Thanks for reading, and look out for my next post about my winter break!