Finishing Up Intro to Graphic Design

Finishing Up Intro to Graphic Design

After weeks of hard work, we’ve finally finished up our graphic design projects! Our assignment was to create a specialty store identity system – a store concept, a store name, logo, business card, letterhead, envelope, and additional applications (menu, aprons, tshirts, bags, etc).

Every week, we wouldpost our work on the whiteboard, present, and get feedback. The instructor also brought in books with examples of color choices, different paper types, different box designs, and more. We also had a student from the intro packaging class come in to show us his project.

At the end, we had our final presentations! Each of us had different store concepts. Mine was a toast shop that sells all different kinds of toast :) Other ideas were a traveling boutique, a woodshop/coffee shop space, an espresso + gelato cart, a custom bath bomb shop, and a kombucha bar. It was super rewarding to present our work at the end of class during the Art Center open house, which was open to the public. I invited some friends, and it was fun!