Final Presentation Day

Final Presentation Day

Hey Everyone! I had a long day today–with final presentations for E/ME105, poster session and celebration dinner.

Our Honey Project Team worked really hard this past weekend to put together our final presentation, poster and 40 page final paper. It was really a team effort and the true culmination of these past few months for me.

All of the work I have done since June of this year has finally come to this, and it has been quite a journey. I prepared for the trip and traveled to Guatemala over the summer. Then brought the ideas to Caltech to continue designing and building a prototype this entire term. The final presentations on all the projects were given earlier this afternoon, and we had a ton of people attend. A lot of people from the Caltech community, Caltech Today, Entrepreneurship Club, Pasadena Art Center, West Coast Angels, etc. It was a full house—people were standing inside the room for lack of seating! Our group went first, and presented well. I think we were beyond having nerves since we have been working so closely for the past months that we know the project inside and out. The other projects also did really well–I was truly impressed by what the other groups accomplished (especially after seeing the work progress from the time we spent in Guatemala to this point). Other projects included: Portable water filtration system, Ergonomic tips for crutches, Child walkers for rehabilitation, Hand-held electric power generating flashlight, Fuel-efficient kiln for brick-making, Shoe design. After the presentations, we had a poster session, and then a celebration dinner at Hamburger Hamlet! Here are pictures taken from the poster session…..