Highlights of Faculty Dessert Night

Highlights of Faculty Dessert Night

Hey guys, Every year, Avery hosts faculty for Faculty Dessert Night. We invite our favorite faculty over for dinner and a talent show, followed by dessert. Shared here are just some exclusive highlights from this year’s event.

1. This face.

2. The faculty. Graduate and post-doctoral students were also very much welcome. The graduate student in the red and black dress knew all the lines of “Let It Go,” and, it turned out, most of the songs from the Frozen soundtrack.

3. This face.

4. I don’t have a picture, but Professor Harry Gray signed my copy of his book! (It was the very slim book that we used in Ch 1a and 1b. I was hesitant to ask at first, but he was really friendly and even included a short and sweet message to me. I’m never selling this, or else I’d be a terrible chemistry major. (: 5.Much talent such wow.Alina, Roel, Jon, and Jalani are all in acappella groups on campus. They each sound amazing on their own, too.

Keep lookin’ up, Jenny.