Exploring UW

Exploring UW

I started exploring UW when I was going out for a run. I initially wasn’t intending to run to any specific place, just around the neighborhood, but I happened to be running towards the campus. Once I reached UW, I realized how huge the school is. It spans many blocks – maybe 7-10+ on each side. I felt like I needed a map if I really wanted to explore campus, so I kind of just ran around randomly depending on if I wanted to go uphill or downhill :P I can’t imagine going to a school so big – I feel like the students must bus to get around campus often, or maybe they just walk? I ran through a few plazas/quads and also through some smaller walkways between buildings. I saw a lot of cute bunnies! I was running around sunset (9pm), so I guess that’s the time they come out to eat. I also spotted one right outside my apartment when I came back :) From one of the main plazas, at a point I later found out was called Ranier Vista, there’s a huge rectangular lawn with a view of Mt. Ranier in the horizon, and a fountain in the other direction. You can’t really see it in this photo, but Mt. Ranier is the little grey lump near the middle of the horizon in the photo below. It was a bit foggy that day, but the view of the mountain was beautiful. I came back here another day, so there’s a better photo below!

When I came back to see UW, I went in from the north end. The campus is so green! It’s so different from California, since it’s so wet here in Seattle. Walking back towards Ranier Vista, I got another amazing view of the mountain with the full moon :) Now I really want to go hiking at Mt. Ranier! It’s 2-3 hours drive away, so I’m hoping that I can go one weekend.