Exploring the PCC Flea Market

Exploring the PCC Flea Market

Every month, Pasadena Community College (PCC), Caltech’s neighbor, has a flea market. There, you can find everything from arts and crafts supplies to old California license plates to summer dresses.

Bright and early at 9:30 this morning, my friends and I decided to go, looking for some tools. It was a nice, sunny morning (as 99% of the Pasadena mornings are), and I was excited to go, as I had never been to a flea market before in my life!

When we got there, we beelined to the art supplies booth. I was so surprised with the breadth of items they had available! There were mini screw driver sets for only five dollars, perfect for any quick fixes. They also had loads of cheap acrylic paint and even some paint for your nails; they were selling nail polish bottles for only a dollar! As a college student, this booth was perfect for me to get my art supplies fix without going over budget.

We then checked out all of the other booths. An ancient coin caught my eye. Back home, I have an extensive coin collection, so I thought it could be a nice addition. However, it was fairly expensive and I had no way to tell whether or not it was real. I left empty-handed from that booth.

Finally, we found my Mecca! A succulent selling booth with exotic cacti. As someone from the east coast, I love everything desert; it’s so exotic to me (see my post from my Grand Canyon road trip). I could hardly hold back! I ended up getting four different species of cactus. Unlike in New York, or any humid state, it’s super easy to keep succulents here because of the dry environment, so I think they were a good investment.

Here are my four new plants! The one on the top right reminds me of a mini-flattened Seguaro cactus. The one of the top left reminds me of the giant Seguaro I saw near the Grand Canyon. By 11, it was fairly hot and I felt like I was getting a sunburn, so we decided to leave. The flea market was a great chance to have a cheap shopping spree. I will definitely make an effort to come back next month!