Explore LA and more

Explore LA and more


So this past weekend, my roommate and I got to see Disney’s musical, The Lion King! I’ve been looking forward to this ever since we got tickets from the Caltech Y. In collaboration with the Y, the Master of Student Houses (MOSH) and his wife bought tickets for twenty undergraduates to accompany them to see the musical. Tickets were highly subsidized and were distributed by a lottery. We sat in the Orchestra seating at the Pantages Theatre. The performance was amazing and I highly recommend watching The Lion King. I enjoy musicals and live performances a lot. The Caltech Y has an Explore LA series, which provides tickets and trips to various places around LA. I highly recommend that you check out the Caltech Y, as well as the blog by Laura and Wen Min. The Caltech Y also provides many opportunities for Caltech students besides exploring LA including community service trips, so be sure to visit the Y if you have a chance to come to campus!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be going to KAUST in Saudi Arabia for a poster competition along with five other Techers. I’m starting to pack now because we will be leaving this coming Friday. It’ll be an interesting experience and I am curious to see what KAUST is like. For one thing, KAUST, which was inaugurated in 2009, is a progressive university that admits female students. Moreover, male and females are allowed to mix on campus. Women are also permitted to drive and dress as they please within KAUST. As a female scientist, I feel honored being given this opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia and visit KAUST. It will not only be an academic trip, but will also be a cultural exploration. I look forward to sharing my experiences next week!

Until next time,
