

This year, I celebrated Thanksgiving in the nearby city of El Segundo with my boyfriend and a couple of other Caltech alumni. We had been preparing for weeks, even christening the event “Epicsgiving” to properly relate just how much we were planning to celebrate. Indeed, when the day came, we had already made several dishes beforehand just so there would be enough room in the oven to make everything else! In light of this, please enjoy an extremely picture-heavy post full of silly and/or delicious moments.

I haven’t gone home for a single Thanksgiving since coming to Caltech, since home is on the other coast. The first year, I went to UC Irvine to visit a friend; the second and third years, I stayed at Lloyd and dealt with the four 20lb turkeys given to us by Housing. Still, I don’t really mind: I see my family quite often, especially during interview season. And it’s always great to catch up with friends, especially since several of them live in NorCal now.

<3 Elisa