Enjoy Donuts

Enjoy Donuts

Excursion #4: Enjoy donuts

One of the things that we really enjoy at Caltech are donuts. So much so that we named our official website of the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology (ASCIT) after this sweet treat. This student-run website is a portal to the student directory, student advisory groups, student publications and more. Recent features that student web developers have added included a course schedule planner.

Besides the website, ASCIT also helps bring hundreds of actual donuts to the Olive Walk at midnight. This is a quarterly event we know as “Midnight Donuts”. Flavors include maple bars, Boston cream pies, and other classics. Members of ASCIT spend time before the event slicing up strawberries and filling plain donuts with them for one of the signature Midnight Donuts treats. There is always a crowd on the Olive Walk right before midnight waiting for the countdown to 12:00 am before we can help ourselves to the donuts.

For those craving donuts during the term, ASCIT puts a box of them on the Olive Walk every Friday morning. They also put out Einstein bagels on Monday mornings for those who prefer more savory toroids.

There are also other places off campus that serve decadent renditions of donuts. One donut shop is Donut Friend. The first time I had Donut Friend was during Caltech’s first hackathon, Hack Tech, where they brought in free donuts, onigiris, Red Bulls, and other goodies. Hack Tech is now an annual event hosted on campus where students from other colleges fly in to participate in 48 hours of often-sleepless coding, pitching, and camaderie.

One Wednesday afternoon, I decided on a whim to drive to Donut Friend with fellow Techer, Grace Lee (author of the food blog Will You Say Grace). They offer DIY donuts with ingredients such as balsamic vinegar and fresh mint, as well as gluten free buns. In the display cases are flavors like bacon, smores and more.