

Well, if last week seemed busy, then I don’t know what to call this week! Last week we had the Caltech Dance Show and you can’t have any show without many stage rehearsals! Since most people involved in the performance are either working or studying at Caltech, the rehearsal schedule had to be fit to all our working schedules which is why there were some rehearsals that started at 8am and others at 9pm. I was also sick for most of last week so by the end of the week I started wondering how this could ever be done. By the way, Caltech has an amazing Health Center with very nice people who do a good job of helping you get better. I lost my voice for two days so I went over there and croaked out what my problem was and I got medicines and instructions that helped a lot! I great thing about the Caltech Dance Show is that everyone in it is doing it mostly for fun and not for some private semi-professional ambitions. This relieves the atmosphere and makes the process all the more enjoyable. I haven’t performed since sophomore year of High School and honestly I thought that I’d never perform again! I was wrong! I got to get back on stage and even do a solo! Also, I got to wear fake eyelashes again! Here are some photos.

Here we are all nervous and waiting in line to draw our cards.

Today is a rather special day for Frosh! Today w have to declare our majors. I’m declaring Physics with condensed matter as my area of interest. Wish me luck! Cheers, Nina.