

I usually don’t review places and things I don’t like (although those sorts of reviews would probably be more useful to readers). This review is no exception. I liked this place so much that I wanted to share it with all of you! (: Weekends at Caltech just offer so much time to explore the yummy experience that is Pasadena, LA, and San Gabriel, to name a few. Even though Caltech started offering open kitchen from 10 am - 2 pm on weekends, I have still managed to find ways to taste my way through my surroundings.

So this one Sunday after church, my friends John and Gloria stopped ateat ME up! for lunch.

The Food: 5 out of 5 What my friends and I tried of the food was absolutely fantastic. It was super tasty, seemed decently healthy, and treated my wallet pretty well. (There’s cheaper food in San Gabriel, but this is within walking distance from school.) The concept is Asian fusion. As a Chinese kid raised on wholesome, genuine Chinese food, I was pretty skeptical of anything with “Asian” and “fusion” in the title. When I first came to California and saw “Asian fusion” everywhere, I was prepared for some orange chicken udon wonton combo mishmash. Since then, my impressions have improved. I suppose this place called itself “fusion” because it wasn’t trying really hard to be authentic, and it served food from various Asian cultures. The fact that there was a large vegetarian section was also very non-traditionally Asian.

But in spite of all these new definitions and experiment-sounding concepts, I enjoyed my food. Oh yes sir, I did. (:

The Mood: 4 out of 5 The waiter was sweet with just the right bit of sass. She teased us some and recommended some great options to try. I took pictures of everything, and I think she found it kind of funny. She was pretty awesome and quite a character. (: I liked the bricks and the decor, but the orange was a bit much. They really like orange:

If you’re ever in need of laundry detergent and some hearty noodles, head on over to Colorado Blvd for a Target shopping trip followed by some yummy noms. You will have a tough time deciding what to get, and you will go back again.

eat well andkeep lookin’ up, jenny.