Eat art at Caltech's first art galleries

Eat art at Caltech's first art galleries

Caltech unveiled our (first?) art galleries! Works submitted to the Totem, Caltech’s literary magazine, as well the Art of Science contest, were put up. The Art of Science Gallery is located where Red Door Cafe used to be. Recent renovations have moved Red Door Cafe to the C-Store (convenience store). Art installations for the Caltech Art Gallery are also hung up in “Little Chandler”, the front indoor seating area.

The displayed pieces of artwork are contributions from the Caltech community. Undergraduates, graduate students and even the staff on Caltech Dining Services showcased their photographs, sculptures, paintings, and more. Here are some photos from their Facebook page, which included some edible dessert arrangements:

For the opening gala, there was a free wine bar as well as plenty of cheese and other snacks.Caltech Dining Services set up a one-day exhibition of all the artwork they’ve done as decor for Caltech food events in the past, for example Midnight Madness.

Attendees were also treated to live performances by the Caltech community. There were a cappella singers, bands as well as a choir.