Easter Day

Easter Day

For Easter, the UCCs organized an egg hunt for the house. The eggs were hid around the house and at noon, we were given colorful baskets and set free to pickup eggs! There aren’t many good hiding places for eggs in a college dorm room, and also we wouldn’t want the candy to rot in the case the egg wasn’t found, so they were placed in obvious places. But it was still really fun! And funny to see eggs about various places:

As another fun and somewhat childish activity, a group of us went to Color Me Mine as a women’s event later that day. Color Me Mine is a place where you pick out ceramic pieces that you paint and then get to keep. Here are some photos of us with our pieces!

Each thing has some practicality to it; a lot of us painted bowls or mugs. I painted a dinosaur that’s also piggy bank. Now when I go off campus I try and pay in cash to get change so I can fill my bank!