Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend

Hello there! Right after the prefrosh left us, Easter weekend stopped by. (Personally, I think everyday should be Easter! :D) Some of my friends from the Caltech Christian Fellowship (CCF) and Life Church Fellowship (LCF) spent our Saturday evening at the Union Station Homeless Services Center, making food for and eating with the residents there. We got to talk to some really amazing people and hear some of their stories.

Coming from the buckle of the Bible belt (Dallas, TX), I was worried initially about the way Christians would be treated out here on the west coast. We’re supposed to be persecuted (John 15:18), though, so I wasn’t about to run away. Turns out, talking to Techers about my faith so far has been surprisingly nice. While some people disagree with my world view, they’re willing to hear me out. I’ve also found out through people’s questions that there a number of unfortunate misconceptions, and it’s always great to clear those up. The most interesting conversation I’ve had so far has got to be one I had with some friends while we were in Vegas… but that’s a story for another time.

Anyway, so we were serving some food for the soul. Here are some pictures, of course!

Even more kitchen chemistry. (;

The menu tonight: Spinach, Asparagus, and ChickenPenne Rigate, Comfort Green Bean Stew, and Spring Spinach Salad with a Special House Dressing!

And best for last, dessert! Confetti cake with your choice of vanilla or chocolate icing.

Jessica and Sophia getting ready to serve! All in all, it was a pretty productive and delicious day. 6: Afterwards, I learned how to clean up in an industrial-sized kitchen:

Cleaning up the right way.

And that’s just something else we do instead of sets. (: Keep lookin’ up, Jenny.