Driving Test

Driving Test

The only test that I think can be hyped so much, yet be so anticlimactic, is the road test for one’s driving license. Living in the city, I didn’t get a license immediately at 16 even though I took the classes during high school. I’ve even had two permits, because I let the first one expire before I could take the road test. So it was certainly about time for me to complete the driving test – it has only taken me about 3 years to do so.

I was honestly still apprehensive in regards to the test when I woke up that morning at 8AM. It was also a wakeup time that I was very unhappy with, not only from my leisurely time at Caltech, but also because I had no need to wake up early for my work at Facebook either. The drive to the facility was 45 minutes, and it took twice as long to wait in the two lines for an instructor to get in my car to finally take the test. Driving around for the test was only 15 minutes at most, and I finally walked out of the DMV with my temporary license after 3 hours.

It was a really long line...