Dress For Success

Dress For Success

Last night was the Dress Rehearsal for the Dance Show. Though it ran smoothly, and we ended pretty early (went out to relax and grab boba at TeaSpots)—it was still pretty hectic backstage. We did some last minute staging for our formations and fixed details with lighting and sound.

I am dancing in four pieces this year…and it leaves me with very little time to change between numbers. I literally finish a piece….sprint backstage and do a quick change before running back onstage. So last night was the true test to see if I could make it all on time. I have to say though…it’s gonna be a close one! Today, I’ll be resting up and preparing for the show tonight and tomorrow. I’m so excited! Here are a few pictures from last night’s dress rehearsal…

Laying all my costume pieces out—lol you can see Paul in the background practicing so much…that he’s a BLUR! hahaa

That’s all for now…more pictures next week! Hope to see you at my dance show! ;)