Planning ahead

Planning ahead

This past Wednesday I met with my advisor to discuss the possibility of taking an overload (more than 51 units for freshman). We talked about extracurriculars, social life, and sleeping patterns – you know, just to make sure that I am a balanced individual – and he approved my overload. The follow-up step to this conversation was to take the overload form to the Dean’s Office. I turned it in to the deans and they told me to wait about a week for an official response. Without further ado, here is my awesome tentative schedule:

Ma 3: Number Theory, this class is recommended as a prep course for students who are interested in taking Ma 5 (Abstract Algebra) during their sophomore year. I’m taking the class because it sounds fun, and I hope that it’ll help me decide between majoring in math or applied math.

Ma 1c: Multivariable Calculus, this is part of core (the core curriculum) and I’m taking the practical track.

Ph 1c: Special Relativity (practical track), this is also part of core.

Bi 1x: This class is an alternative to Bi 1 and it is only accessible by lottery. I had the luck to win this lottery so I’m taking this class next term. Different from the lecture-oriented Bi 1, this is a relatively new lab course and many of the upperclassmen recommend it. I hope we get to touch neuroscience topics, my favorite.

Ay 1: Intro to Astrophysics, this meets our menu requirement – the menu requirement is intended to be an introductory class to a subject which we don’t plan to major in. It was a tough call between geology and astrophysics, but astro got the better of me, I’ll have much to learn about it.

E 10: Technical Seminar Presentations, this class is an option requirement and it’s basically a presentation skills class. I chose to take it next term because I miss public speaking so this will give me a chance to do something I enjoy.

Ec 11: Introduction to Economics, this is part of our social science requirements and I’m taking it so I can take advanced social sciences during my sophomore year. Sometimes it’s nice to get ahead early.

I managed to make all my days start with a class at 9 AM, that way I force myself to wake up early (and go to sleep early too). I also tried to leave space before lunchtime so that I can go to the gym at around 11AM and then be able to follow the workout with a feast at Chandler or the South Kitchen. Also, I managed to reduce the number of days that I have class at night (it was fun having night classes for the past two terms but I need to take a break). Now I’ll have to do work when the sun is down, so I’m in the search for a good lamp for my desk.

There are a lot of visitors in our house this weekend. Peggy, a Mech E junior, has two friends from San Diego over; our President is hosting his older brother; and my girlfriend is visiting me! Yesterday we went out with all my friends to a theater in North Hollywood,Zombie Joe’s Underground Theater, it was a very interesting experience. Afterwards we stopped at Canter’s for a milkshake and mac and cheese before heading back to Tech (Canter’s has become a tradition of our going-out nights in LA). All in all, this week has been very exciting and I am grateful to have loved ones visiting me for the past two weekends. Right now I’m off to Santa Monica to take pictures of the Shangri La hotel and other architectural landmarks, I’ll be back with sweet photographs.
