Bravo, Interhouse, bravo!

Bravo, Interhouse, bravo!

Our Interhouse party was a fantastic success! Last Friday after dinner we began building for it, and we finished by 2 AM. Basically what we do is cover the walls of our lounge with black paper, by that point we take a break and enjoy an order of 100 cheeseburgers from In-N-Out (if you haven’t tried these, think of a Krabby Patty – yeah, they’re that good!). The next step is to hook wires on the walls to create a skeleton for a lowered ceiling, and cover that with black paper too. The piano is the only thing that stays inside the pitch black lounge, which is illuminated by a single lamp. Every year we hire a jazz band and they play in this dark room adding a classy environment to the party. In order to get in to the party, people have to enter through the underground tunnels at Tech. Guests are directed by stationed freshmen with flashlights who guide the way (I was one of these!) until they reach a ladder that leads to the house. Awesome setup I tell you, right from the start. Check out all the workers behind the best jam of the year: The Sunday following Interhouse was cleanup day. A lot of alumni showed up to the Interhouse so on Sunday our whole house plus the alums gathered to go to the pool and enjoy some chit chat under the sunny weather. After that it was time for work, like in any good weekend. I worked on my math set (determinants), and studied for physics and chemistry, where we are studying RC circuits and kinetic theory, respectively. Surprisingly, the experience from being here for just over 6 months has already made us very efficient workers, and early into the evening I had finished my work. We decided to go out as we hadn’t done so in a while. Searching for a place to dine in Downtown LA was the toughest problem of the day, as a lot of places close early on Sunday. Eventually we serendipitously arrived to the Staples Center and its surroundings, and this place was packed with people and (expensive) fancy restaurants. We chose a very nice Mexican restaurant,Rosa Mexicano, which had its waiters make the most delicious guacamole right before your eyes (of course I took note of the recipe!). The place definitely exceeded expectations in terms of taste. After paying the check, however, our pockets grew holes in them so we headed back to campus – stopping on the way for chocolate milkshakes at Canter’s, a big temptation. The night ended with a funny story telling conversation on the Olive Walk, and the weather was great.

Monday was President’s day and an Institute Holiday, which was greatly appreciated by the student body. I went to the Coffeehouse to try the special, Cherry Pie Milkshake, and it was phenomenal. Other than relaxing I also did some Cuban cuisine cooking with my roommate (both having Cuban heritage) and highly enjoyed the potaje de frijoles colorados(kidney beans stew). The following day, Tuesday, we had our second and most important Interhouse soccer game. The matchup was versus Fleming, the house that holds about 90% of the men’s soccer team, so it was a very intense game. We lost 5-1 but our RA and I managed to save our dignity by scoring a GOLAZO on them. All in all the game was very fun and went without complications. One of the nicest things for me was shaking hands with the Flems at the end of the game because I know all the guys from the soccer team. Today we have another big game against Page, I’ll try to get pictures of that because we all know shots in action are the sweetest. Well, I must leave you guys now because the schedule for the Spring term is up now and I want to play around with all the scheduling possibilities (who knew it would be so fun?). I’ll post soon because this weekend is Parent Day Weekend and there are a lot of events tonight too so be on the lookout! Cheers.