Day trip to Bath

Day trip to Bath

My class was cancelled on Friday, so I jetted (actually, trained) off to the beautiful city of Bath. When I was doing my pre-trip research I was surprised to find that the whole city is classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, but once I got there I was no longer surprised. It totally makes sense that such a beautiful place should be cherished and protected!

Amazing finds in Bath:

-The Roman Baths dating all the way backto 70 AD

-I got to “take the water” from this fancy fountain here:

-Jane Austen Centre & many sites from the movies based on her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. Sites such as the Royal Crescent, Pump Room, andAssembly Rooms. This is the Royal Crescent (hotel & private residences):

-Active theater scene. I saw a comedy, The Phoenix of Madrid by Calderón de la Barca. The play was fast paced and witty.In Austen’s book her characters are out and about in Bath, frequentlyending the night with the theater! I felt veryproud/nerdy doing the same.

Bath was a perfect day trip and a fun way to take advantage of a weekday without class!

(Royal Crescent image: