Cookie Dough FroYo

Cookie Dough FroYo

Today I enjoyed the products of yesterday’s labor! I introduce:

Homemade cookie dough frozen yogurt! My friend Mark and I used this recipe yesterday, and it turned out much better than I’d even hoped. I’ve made ice cream many times before, but I’ve always used an ice cream maker. This doesn’t require any special equiptment–we used wooden spoons instead of the electric mixer. The texture is firm and creamy.

Some sophomores and I stopped by Trader Joe’s to buy groceries before term starts up, and we ate dinner at The Corner Bakery. Other than that, I spent today filing papers and setting up my desk for next term. I also made time to catch up on some My Little Pony episodes at the gym.

I’m ready for term to start up because I miss my problem sets! I’m especially excited for Abstract Algebra (which covers field theory, Galois theory, and representation theory). Astronomy is my menu course, which means I’m using it to satisfy the graduation requirement of taking an out-of-major intro science course. It’s also relevant to the research at JPL I’ll be doing this summer.

Break was great and I’ll miss the free time and full nights of sleep, but now that I’m refreshed, I’m psyched to hit the books.