

It hasn’t stopped raining since Monday. It’s kind of inconvenient because campus doesn’t have drainage so the walkways flood somewhat. But it’s definitely fun to get a different taste of campus. Yesterday I was walking back from chemistry lecture when it started to pour. I tried to avoid getting wet, but then my friend Rocio and I just decided to make a run for it. I also went to the Paseo Mall and bought a nice Italian coat for the cold. Today I got soaked again on the way back from chemistry recitation, but it’s always great consolation warming up in my alley’s shower (the largest shower shower in Ricketts.) The weekend was awesome. We took the Zipcar out to Santa Monica. We found parking at the Santa Monica Pier and had dinner at Bubba Gump. Afterwards we walked Promenade Street, famous for its shops, white lighting and dinosaur-shaped bushes. Once we covered all of Promenade, we got back in the car for a one hour expedition to Mount Wilson. I had never driven up a mountain before, it was exhilarating. The road meandered so much, and I forced myself not to look to the side until we finally got to the top. We finally reached the peak and parked on a side road; we got out of the car and walked to the edge to admire the view:

This week we’re doing vector spaces in math; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry in chemistry; and electric currents in physics. I actually finished my sets for this week so I have a lot of “free time” for the next few days, which I will need to use wisely. I started reading a book on topology, which I might be interested in doing a SURF on. Also, I now have a plant in my room – a palm tree! I bought it at IKEA on Monday. It reminds me of South Florida, and it’s so big and green that it brings a lot of life into the room. Anyways, I’m off to do some topology reading. For those of you interested, it’s called Geometry, Topology and Physics by M. Nakahara. I’ll post something interesting from what I read later this week.
