Dourmet Dishes

Dourmet Dishes

This is the part of a series of posts on food that can be prepared in a dorm kitchen amidst the craziness of life at Caltech. I absolutely love peanut butter. Whether on toast, in oatmeal, in smoothies, or spoonfuls straight out of the jar, I love the rich, creamy texture and salty-sweet flavor. It’s perfect in every way but one—it needs to lighten up. It’s a little too dense and sticky. (This is especially inconvenient when eating it out of the jar.) I’m happy to announce that I have a solution to this peanut butter problem: pair it with pumpkin puree. The resulting spread is whipped and airy, with a light sweetness and hints of pumpkin flavor added to the classic peanut butter taste. The method is simple—just beat together equal parts peanut butter and pumpkin puree with a fork until light and fluffy. Cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg can be mixed in to enhance the fall flavor.

Pumpkin peanut butter is delicious on toast and doesn’t require jelly to offset a thick texture. It’s also fantastic on its own. It does require refrigeration.

peanuts · pumpkin· yum