Don't tell your friends your room combo...

Don't tell your friends your room combo...

…BECAUSE OTHERWISE THEY SURPRISE YOU BY REDECORATING YOUR ROOM!!! Backstory: On Saturday the house cleaned all the random stuff out of our basement. Coincidentally, my roommate recently moved out, so my room was a little empty, since I have a very small amount of stuff. Anyway,I went home for the Easter weekend, and came back to find….

MY AMAZING FRIENDS WHO BROKE IN AND MADE EVERYTHING AWESOME!!! Thank you to Connor, Anthony, Rachel, Corwin, and Caroline!! :) <3 <3 <3

The rug, lamp, microwave, and sofa all were recycled from the basement. In addition, my friends VACUUMED and CLEANED!!!

AHHHHH!!! Anyway, just had to share this real quick because I feel like I’m on Extreme Home Makeover or something. I’m floored that they would take the time to redo my entire room. MY FRIENDS ARE SO AWESOMEEEEEEE!! Hope you all have a great week! Love, Lori