I’m done with all my work!!! Well, I do have some grading to do for Ge1. That’s only going to take a couple of hours though…and I don’t have ANY OTHER WORK to rush home to do. I guess no excuses to leave the grading room anymore…darn? Friday was so great. I turned in my thesis to my advisor Professor Cindy Weinstein at 2:55pm, then went to a Blogger bakery session which was really delicious! Chocolate cake and cookies, for blogger appreciation :) I hope you all liked us, it was the first time we all got together at Admissions, and we talked about the program - definitely let us know if you all have any suggestions! Then I went to my house (Page) at 5pm for a class picture and Sparkling Apple Cider celebration for the end of term, yay! Tom Mannion’s dinner was at 6:30 and boy were we hungry…that menu I posted proved to be just as delicious as I thought it would be. Pictures of the food are below, look at that extremely classy (and totally edible, even the ink!!) dessert!

Saturday was just so relaxing and fun. My boyfriend took me to the mall and I bought myself a graduation present - all 6 seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I finally have time to put them all on and just watch! Without worrying about registration for next year, my summer reading, some essay I got an extension on…nothing. Just how my graduation cap and gown will look, and whether I will go get my hair done before the ceremony. :) These are some pictures of the dinner and the fun we had on Friday:

My last “final” was actually today, for cooking! It was nice for me being a senior because we spent 7 hours cooking, and I’m glad I didn’t have other finals and last minute sets to worry about finishing. I was just worried about having our bacon-wrapped shrimp done in time for the judging! I don’t think it has hit me yet how I’m done with Caltech…but maybe it won’t fully, I’ll probably start having the nightmares soon about whether I’ve finished a really hard set in time for class, or not studying for a super difficult final. Either way, I don’t have to do that anymore, wooooo!!! Graduation is Friday, more events to come before then!! Yay!! I have two degrees and diploma is coming!